Pastors have been getting away from Revival meetings.
Years ago, a meeting was planned to go as long as it took. Some times they would go for weeks. Billy Sunday had meetings in Boston and New York City that lasted up to 10-12 weeks. Then came One month then Two-Week meetings Then the One -Week, Sunday to Sunday meetings Then the Sunday thru Friday meetings Then the Sunday thru Wednesday meetings Then the Friday-Sunday meetings ( The Weak-end Revival) Then Revival Sunday Then no Revival meeting all year long. And we wonder where God’s power went? Ask the Lord to help you have a Revival. If you can’t afford it you need to have one. Take offerings on Wednesdays to prepare financially for it. Have cottage prayer meeting a month before the meeting! Work at inviting the lost and backsliders as well. Any Evangelist should be willing to come without the promise of a Love offering! Do what you can to take care of the Evangelist expenses but never let the cost keep you from having revival! Some Evangelist are supported by churches to make it possible to go to the churches that are struggling!
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Dan Knickerbocker
Dr. Dan Knickerbocker pastored for 23 years, and has been an evangelist full time for over 20 years. Archives:
February 2023