The Gospel CD Ministry
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Evangelist Dan Knickerbocker -
Recorded messages preached
in Revival/Missions/Family/Stewardship/Prayer Conferences
Fall on your face before you fall on your face Is anything to hard for the Lord The Man God can Answer - Jabez
Things I fear The life of David Brainerd Revival Questions Discovering Self Jesus. the one and only
The Great Supper What generation do you represent? 8 Spiritual secrets of David Brainerd
I have much people in this city Secret Faults Your Heart 10 ways to raise a Godly family
We need an intercessor The high cost of loving Things my Dad taught me Who or what is influencing you?
5 ingredients of effectively serving God It is long long overdue A Vision of Discipleship A Vision of Conviction
Different Spirits of man Losing your distinctiveness Making God wait How to be filled with the Spirit
Messages preached by Dan Knickerbocker on
The Fundamental Baptist Forum WMCA 570 AM
Did Princess Diana know the prince of peace Who is King Howard Stern or Jesus Christ
Why I'm a Baptist 1,2 Eternal Security - Salvation When Parents are out to lunch
Religion of Secular Humanism 1.2. The Christian Home Should a Born again Christian leave a liberal church
Should we send our children to Public schools Sin in the church Taming the TV Who cares for your soul?
Will people go to hell who have never heard? Why the excuses Why do Christians have affairs?
What if you were to die tonight? Faith for families in crisis Godly mothers How to kill a church
How to know the will of God How to raise a criminal The immoral state of the union
Immorality lies and consequences Joshua's last words Confess your faults Are fundamentalist legalist?
Open Forum 1,2
Revival Voices Voices of Yesteryear The Man on George Street
Sutera, Dr. Lou & Ralph & Bill McLeod
Revival in Saskatoon, Canada
Recorded messages preached
in Revival/Missions/Family/Stewardship/Prayer Conferences
Fall on your face before you fall on your face Is anything to hard for the Lord The Man God can Answer - Jabez
Things I fear The life of David Brainerd Revival Questions Discovering Self Jesus. the one and only
The Great Supper What generation do you represent? 8 Spiritual secrets of David Brainerd
I have much people in this city Secret Faults Your Heart 10 ways to raise a Godly family
We need an intercessor The high cost of loving Things my Dad taught me Who or what is influencing you?
5 ingredients of effectively serving God It is long long overdue A Vision of Discipleship A Vision of Conviction
Different Spirits of man Losing your distinctiveness Making God wait How to be filled with the Spirit
Messages preached by Dan Knickerbocker on
The Fundamental Baptist Forum WMCA 570 AM
Did Princess Diana know the prince of peace Who is King Howard Stern or Jesus Christ
Why I'm a Baptist 1,2 Eternal Security - Salvation When Parents are out to lunch
Religion of Secular Humanism 1.2. The Christian Home Should a Born again Christian leave a liberal church
Should we send our children to Public schools Sin in the church Taming the TV Who cares for your soul?
Will people go to hell who have never heard? Why the excuses Why do Christians have affairs?
What if you were to die tonight? Faith for families in crisis Godly mothers How to kill a church
How to know the will of God How to raise a criminal The immoral state of the union
Immorality lies and consequences Joshua's last words Confess your faults Are fundamentalist legalist?
Open Forum 1,2
Revival Voices Voices of Yesteryear The Man on George Street
Sutera, Dr. Lou & Ralph & Bill McLeod
Revival in Saskatoon, Canada
198 Voices from the Past and Present
Allison, Dr. Mark The Koran Counterfeit Scriptures - Mohammed, the false prophet
Anderson, Dr. Charles
Christ, The alphabet What is life about? Unveiling HIs purpose Understanding God's will The New Birth
The Lord's return The Christian Walk Seeking to live the life Be Thou Holy Life begins at 80 Joseph's life
Israel's Communication He is coming God has a problem Genealogy of our Lord Fighting for the heights
Dizzy Heights Alabaster Box of Ointment The study of Greek words The Alphabet Samson's life
Problems of Youth Prayer Mysteries Prayer Peter's insight: The Godhead Our new life in Christ
Life beyond the coma The law of sin and death
Appleman, Hyman The Heritage, Hatred and Hope of the Jew - The Lordship of Christ - Yom Kipper
Arnold, Dr. Louis 100th Birthday at Clay mills Baptist Church
Arthur, Joe Jeremiah in the Mire Freshness of the Holy Spirit Flowing of the Holy Spirit The cutting edge
Ballew, Dr. Ed
Hell Believe Building memories What to do when your on the bottom Unto him that is able What is a Christian?
Mistakes Let us go Why I love to preach the Word I ain't going with them Then came the pharisees
The sickness of mankind Somethings I am still excited about The Three Crosses But Grow
Jesus can change your life Endure hardness as a good soldier Revival God's trouble maker The great transformation
They changed their mind The good old days Brass and Gold Valleys Don't quit People who God can't save
What a Savior The maniac of Gadara What will it take to bring you to God? America needs Revival
You can miss it Camping on the edge I will honor him Lot Is it wrong? Time of Need Confusion
What will you do in that solemn day? Above the average What the Ethiopian remembered Repentance
Namaan Scared to death JesusCan change your life Have we come down Endure hardness as a good soldier
Why I can't Quit Love His mercy endureth forever Are you ready? Is God well pleased with me Born Twice
Lemons When God is in it John 3:16 What must I do to be saved? Why I love him Joshua
Why do troubles come? Set thy house in order Some things the devil wants from you Some things I want to leave behind
I find no fault in him Some things that will betray you What will happen when you are in the spirit
God is looking at your heart A backslidden world Lest I should hinder the gospel Parallels of Israel and America
The gift of God First things first What is good for a man? A Wise builder What has you tied up?
You can have what you want but lose what you had Blind Bartemaeus Somethings I know
How to tell when your slipping America needs a revival How is your leaper working? Valleys
The Devil is on the rampage Jonah I will break out Pleasing God Prayer When is your appointment?
When men go wrong What a Savior What sin has done Ed Ballew Singing
Barnes, Dr. Bobby
Abraham's disobedience Young people need to praise the Lord Jonah What is your life? How to have revival
Pauls perception of problems Building an Altar in your life Things that did not move The permitted church
The passive church The perfumed church What is your record?
Barnhouse, Dr. Donald G. The History of Sin John Newton & John Bunyan's Text Who died at Calvary
Barkman, Dr. Gregory - Repent and Obey
Baxter Dr. Sidlow
My Personal Testimony The Call of the Hour Do you know our Lord? That I may know him
5 Difficulties of the Christian life Santification Prayer Victory over the flesh Portrait of the Saviour
For to me to live is Christ The second coming of Christ Christ in you He hath chosen us
Doctrine of the Lamb I Doctrine of the Lamb II Doctrine of the Lamb III
The Ephesian Doctrine of the Holy Spirit The Ephesians practicality of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit glorifying Christ
The Centrality of the Lamb
Bevington, Dr. Bob
The High cost of getting out of the will of God
Blanton, Dr.
The Sufferings of Christ from the medical standpoint
Booth, General William - Through Jordan Please Sir, Save me! Needed a Rope
Box, Dr. Clyde - Looking for the Wounded
Bounds, E.M.- Power through Prayer
Brown, Rev. Ian
Benny Hinn on the Heresy Bandwagon Radical Islam- The monster in our midst The devilish claims of the DaVinci code
Saving faith or Satan's Faith Billy Graham - the popes cheerleader
Brown, Dr. Fred - Hebron Fellowship
Burns, Pastor W.W. - When God laughs 3 Things you can do if you miss the rapture
Burrell, Harold- Reasonable service
Burrell, Walter - A famine in the Land The Man who went to Hell
Caldwell, BB - Mystery Babylon the Great The Lordship of Christ
Cameron, Dr. Wiley - The sacredness of little things Be not weary in well digging
Campbell Duncan
Heart preparations for Revival Personal testimony and conversion Building the walls The reality of the divine in Christian experience The fire of God Revival on the isle of Lewis Island of Lewis, Revival testimonies
Revive us again Lacking one thing The sacrifice that is acceptable to God Action and obedience Walking with God
Can two walk together accept they be agreed Sin in the camp The country was filled with water
Aaron's failure When God steps down from Heaven
Carnahan, Keith
The convicting work of the Spirit How did we get where we are in America today How did we get here
The Lordship of Christ
Carter, Dr. Mickey - The Christmas Story When the good is gone
Chanski, Mark - The Biography of C.S.Lewis
Chadwick, Samuel - God listens to the crying heart in the secret place
Chappell, Paul - John the Baptist Joshua, A new man for a new generation
Cloud, David
Church History I, II, III, IV series Pentecostal Charismatic movement Old time fundamentalist who defend the King James Bible Rome and Revelation 17 Scripture demands fundamentalism The Divine preservation of the Bible
Bible separation and fundamental Baptists
Collins, Dr. J. Bennett - What made Paul what he was?
Comfort, Ron
Isaiah's threefold vision - Soul winning The rising of Lazarus The Holiness of God The Fruits of Calvinism
Hell The unpardonable sin The Tasteless white of an egg
Connolly, Dr. Kenneth - I am a fundamentalist
Criswell, Dr. W.A. - The Living Christ Whosoever will
Crumpton, James - Jesus
Culpepper, Dr. C.L. - The Shantung Revival in China
Dawson, Cody - It is later than you think - Why I'm not afraid to face eternity - What it means to believe on the Lord
Dawson, Loren
Keep your fork Lest I forget The Lordship of Christ Loving Jesus will solve all life problems
My life verse: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God The Primary need of Missionaries Rigged for the journey
The 6 fold work of the Holy Spirit I II III IV V VI Series Who is Jesus Christ? The sure word of Prophesy
Why Study Prophesy? The Wounds of Christ Will the church go through the tribulation? All that I am someone has helped me to be So loved, so marred, so great There is a river Total involvement in missions Going deeper with God Such were some of you Going a little further The God of the Valleys Marked Men Revival and Soul winning
Lovest thou me? The Crowd at the Cross The greatest mistakes in History Who killed Christ? Burn out cause and cure
Church discipline Hide thyself shew thyself Jesus the Preacher Unto Him be glory in the church Moving Heaven and earth Learning from mistakes Studies in Genesis Creation & Ruin - Creation of Man Restoration of the earth
Tri-Focal Vision
DeHaan, Dr. M.R.
On the Jericho Road 1-3 On the Jericho Road 4-5 What is delaying Christ Return? The gospel preached to Adam
The gospel preached to Abraham The gospel preached to Isaiah The Holy Spirit 1 The Holy Spirit 2
Who owns the land of Palestine? Isaiah 53 Jesus, friend of sinners The Word made flesh
Dickerson, Dr. Alan - The Old Paths
Dwight, Timothy - Regeneration, the necessity, the reality, the nature of regeneration
Edwards, Jonathan - The life of Jonathan Edwards Sinners in the hands of an angry God
Elshoot, Bartel - The marriage union between Boaz and Ruth
Fuller, Dr. Charles E.
Those who depart form the faith The bodily Resurrection The dead in Christ The living water The return of Christ
Put that on my account God gave them up The seminary in the dessert The first opposition to the gospel
Phillip and the Eunuch The Work of the Holy Spirit The hiding place Paul's consecration for service God's workmanship Eternal investments Multitudes n the valley of decision Israel's obedience Moses kept the Passover
Moses forsook The supreme test of faith Eight questions Christmas special The incarnation & Birth of Christ
Consider your ways The just shall live by faith Repent and believe the gospel Israel Ministry of Reconciliation
Redemption by the blood The church The resurrection an the believer The signs of Christ return The leaven of the Sadducees The parable of the sower Though He slay me yet will I trust in him Why does God permit evil
The role of Russia in the Last days His great love Christ the passover The great physician The tragedy of the wrong choice God's riches in glory The condition of the world Dead in trespasses and sins The work of the Spirit
Zaccheus Israel - The Abrahamic covenant
Garlock, Dr. Frank - How to overcome temptation - Prove what is acceptable unto God What kind of music does God want us to have
Gibbs, Dr.David Jr. - Psalm 1 God is attracted to weakness 8 Characteristics of a Christian school
Jubilee on the mountain
Gipp, Dr. Sam Christ fulfilled the old testament sacrifices The Lord Jesus Christ
Goolesby - Billy Running on a full tank
Gordon, Dr. A.J.
How Christ came to Church I II
Gravely, Dr. Ricky - Mountain top experiences Stay with the Ship Things you will find in the dessert The road that leads to no where Is the rain worth the storm? Three person Feeding the fatted calf
Green, Dr. Brian - Joyful Sound
Greene, Dr. Oliver - Earth's madness, Heavens gladness The Key of Salvation The Wrath of God 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Are you saved? BIBLE not
Green Dr. Don The Flesh Staying inside God's hedge Three things you can't afford to lose Vows Counting the cost 3 reasons for spiritual defeat
Gray Dr. Bob - Promises of the great commission Boxes, bottles and books
Ham Dr. Ken - Young earth not an issue The origin of the race
Hammett, Doug - Repentance and faith
Ham, Dr. Mordecai - What are you offering God
Hatch, Dr. Carl - Have you lost your song?
Hankins, Dr. Joe Henry If your not saved nothing else matters Old-fashioned Repentance
Harper, Dr. Daniel / Sherman
Pick a team The wanderer We are all runners once Is salvation really that simple? God alone
Son of David son of grace The longest engagement The apathy app
Harper, Sherman Dr.
The Believer's hope The benefits of the Believer The one and only Jesus Stay with the story The great homecoming in the sky The Word of the Lord was precious A Striking example
Havner, Vance
Home before dark Oh, Glorious day Looks who is here Look who is there Must I liveSparrows in the church
Sinning against the light Personal Testimony What is a Christian? The Christian in this world Is this that
Taking things for granted As for me The best not the good Some things I'm tired of Repentance
Holy man of God Getting use to the dark Old time religion What Jesus wants for the church The wonder
What we have now and what is coming Where is America headed The preacher The unfinished work of Christ
The country and the church God's answer to the cry of unbelief Knowing what to do Man of God As He is so are we
Great decisions of the Bible Forget not His benefits Don't miss your miracle From Groans to glory The Lordship of Christ Sanctified
Hayes, Dr. Tom
Tom Hayes singing Life of Gideon - Little advancements Little activity Little Army Little adversity
Little altar Little attitude
Henderson, Dr. A.V. - Learning from Jacob
Hewett,Dr. Chris
Mark of the beast Can the born live? Thorns of life Fruit of the law Three Amens What Egypt wants form God
Women's lost coins Prayer The Prodical son River of living water Can the Bones live The blind man
House, Dr. J.C. - Getting through the storm
Hughes, Dr. Richard - My heritage does not affect my salvation The church of Philadelphia Pauls missionary message
Hull, Dr. John One more night with the frogs Grace is sufficient for you Is the battle really worth it? Shining light
Humphries, Adam, Pastor Give me the crumbs Why did he stand?
Hutson, Dr. Tony Why Homosexuality is wrong
Hovind, Dr. Kent The garden of Eden
Hunt, Dr. David Modern Day Apostasy I II The cult of self Esteem The importance of prophesy Witchcraft in the church The myth of Christian Psychology I II Evolution is a religion
Hutson, Dr. Curtis Another gospel Building and Battling
Hyles, Dr. Jack Duty Bible Separation
Ice, Dr. Thomas - The importance of Bible Prophesy Why does the Bible teach a Pretrib rapture What will happen to those left behind Armageddon and the Jews
Ironside,Dr.Harry Put that on my account
Jackson, Evangelist Maze When he was on the Cross The fourth man Three Deadlines God's last altar call
Following the bottle The sweetest words - Barley fields on fire Romans 8:28
Jennings, Dr. Don - The Fruit of the Spirit - Intro The Fruit of the Spirit - Love The Fruit of the Spirit - Joy
The Fruit of the Spirit - Peace The Fruit of the Spirit - Long-suffering, gentleness, goodness The Fruit of the Spirit - Meekness , Temperance The original Purpose driven life What to do when you don't know what to do?
Bob Jones University 75th Anniversary Two lives , one Lord
Jones, Dr. Bob Sr We faint not Why we preach the word What is the Gospel? What is a Christian? The World and the Church The Lord is my Salvation Routine Christianity It is better to trust in God Blessed are the undefiled
Do right The Prodical Son plus Rest by E. Howard Cadle Test your Character 4 walls around the Christian Home
The elements of Success This nation started with God
Jones, Dr. Bob Jr. The Lord's sermon Heritage Our Lord and the lepers Open thou my eyes
10 things God reveals Just, devout, and waiting The Lord of Host is among us After these things he came
Sitting down they watched him there Worth is the Lamb Lessons from my father
What is that in your hand? Belshazzar's Feast What wilt thou have me do? David's sin and it's consequences
The Treason of Neutrality Difficulties in serving God Walking worthy of our vocation Sweet influences
Victory through sacrifice Spiritual warfare Christian fellowship Lay hold on eternal life
The word was made flesh
Jones, Dr. Martin Lloyd
Full Salvation , Are you saved and know? Let no man glory in men So great Salvation
The deep things of God
Jones, Rev. Robert Ministry Report - Alliance Rescue Mission
Jones, Shelton Americanism
Jordan, Fain Dr. Throw out the life line (His last Message)
Keen, Dr. Charles Stewardship
Kelly, Evangelist Billy He will set your field on fire Some Golden Daybreak But God is able to turn it around
They forgot God The Precious Blood of the Lamb Billy Kelly Sings The best is yet to come
Kelly, Dr. Bob Antipas, My Faithful Martyr 4 Reasons God used Andrew Poor start good finish
A Holy man of God The good ship fellowship But Barnabas
Knox, James The gap theory
Kenyon, Dr. John What does it take to stop you?
Lackey, Carl Dr. Death in the pot
Lacy, Dr. Al Death in the pot Something is wrong with the new Bibles NIV Satan's Masterpiece
Lakin, Dr. B.R. Saved by the Blood The Love of God Seeking a blessing The Battle of Armageddon/
5 minutes before death Back sliding Men with no hope Sins against the Holy Spirit The suffering Saviour
Who made God? Heaven Three people with no hope
Lee, R.G. Payday Someday Christ above all 7 Sayings of the Savior The Spirit and the Bride say come
Unthinkable things from the stand point of the Cross Alibi,Lullaby & the Bye and Bye The climate of the Cross
The Spirit and the Bride say come
Lewis, C.S. The Great Sin
Lockard, Dr. James The wonderful Word of God
Lockridge, S.M. Amen My King Take up thy Bed and walk The Great Decision The World's greatest love story Where is the action The Lordship of Christ
Logston, Dr. Frank The Omniscience of God Rejecting the American Standard Bible
Malone, Tom David encouraged himself in the Lord his God Jesus, the preacher What must I do to be saved?
I have it and I'll give it The ingredients of a great church The baptism of the Holy Spirit The Ax is laid at the root
For a Season How to ride out the storm By my Spirit Nothing is to hard for the Lord Sowing the seed
What must I do to be saved?
Marshall, Dr. Peter Marshall My Country Were you there? Compromise of Pharaoh
Martin, Aubry The Streams of Shiloh The gift of the Ages
Martin, Albert The Substance of Repentance The nature of Repentance The 3 legged stool of Spiritual Stability
Repent or perish Evangelical repentance and Saving faith The Fruit of Repentance
Martin, Sam The Missionaries responsibility to His sending Church How are you serving your Lord and Savior?
Standing in the gap
Maurer, Dr. Leon Great mountains of Scripture
Maxwell, Dr. L.E. Romans 5 The Character of Samson The Baptism of the Spirit How to be filled with the power of the Spirit Being filled with the Power of the Spirit I II Revival I II
MacArthur, Douglas General - Old Soldiers never die
McBride, Brian Jesus in Judges 16 Following Christ Pure Love vs Pretending Love Unity in the Church
McComas, Kenny Charismatic Charisma and Character Tongues truth or trouble
McGee, Dr. J. Vernon When Jesus chose his Disciples The Silent years Is the church built on Peter?
Major motivation for Missions Marriage & Divorce An X-ray of the gospel An old Portrait of Christ
McGinley James We are sheep among wolves
McIntire, Dr. Carl - The Risen Christ The Virgin birth The conversion of Saul The vials of the wrath of God
The Pergamus Temple of Satan What did the rainbow mean? The wickedness of the days of Noah Noah's day and our day Elijah and the chariot of Israel Christ description of his own death The Wrath of the Lamb
The walk to Emmaus Funeral service of Dr. Carl McIntire I II III Where two or three are gathered together
Prophesies of Jesus in Isaiah Paul first missionary journey God gave them upDestroying the foundatoins
Perfecting the saints Jesus, Prophet, Priest and King Timothy's mother and Grandmother Jesus Wept
Romans 8:28 I and my father are one That ye may know him Daniel's Prayer and confession
The wise shall understand Eternal life
Morgan, Dr. G. Campbell The 23rd Psalm
Murphy, Dr. Roger The Race
Nee, Watchman The Normal Christian life I The eternal purpose and reckoning of faith
The Blood of Christ, Dead to sin, The law, Alive unto God The Normal Christian life II
The two Creations and the Blood of Christ The Cross of Christ The Blood of Christ The Holy Spirit
The two Creations Body in Christ The eternal Purpose
Nelson, Dr. Ed You can know you are saved SIN
Norris, Dr. J. Frank Joseph washed his face Wearing the name but remaining the same
Orr, Dr. Edwin The first word of the gospel - Repentance Great Awakening in American History I II III
Repentance The Welch revival in 1904-5 The Awakening in America 1905 The Who, What and where of Decisions
The Spiritual Dynamics of Missions Lessons in Revival from Act1-2 Temptation What is conscience?
Forgiveness and Confession
Paisley, Dr. Ian The Life of William Tyndale The Coronation of Christ Seeing the unseen hand
The Battle of the ages The Profit that is loss and the Loss that is profit This man Moses
Fundamentalism VS Apostasy The English Reformer, William Tyndale
Parker,Dr. Monroe The overview of the 20th century of Fundamentalism and with out the camp
The Great Paradox Neo-Evangelicalism He saved others himself he can not save Life story
When God slammed the door
Pennell, R. Bill The Rod of God The Breath of God Mary had a little lamb
Pentecost, Dr. Dwight Maranatha
Petty, Dennis Our God
Phillips, Dr. John - Jacob
Pickhaver, Dr. Matthew The Life and Times of William Wilberforce
Pink, Dr. Arthur Apostasy Present-day Evangelism The Christian in Romans 7 The Christian Armour
Eternal Punishment in Hell I II Repentance, What seethe the Scriptures? I II Repentance I II
The Work of the Spirit in Salvation I II
Porter, R. Ford The Christians Highest Honor The Christian greatest encouragement
Pope, Dr. Johnny The White Stone We will give account
Powell, Timothy - Is your all on the altar?
Pressley, Dr. Keith What is truth? The Word of God Jesus is the way John 3:16 Psalm 23 What is Jesus name? When little is much The king who tried to stop Christmas Somethings in Heaven and some things not in Heaven 4 Anchors When little is much The Christmas story
Price, Dr. Bradley How to draw water form the well of Salvation The floating Ax Head The burning bush
Price, Dr. Dolphus The Blood of Christ The Great White Throne The greatest events of History
Ravenhill, Dr. Leonard - The witness of the spirit Jacob meets God The Glory of God Purity and Fire I II III
Paul advice to Timothy Are you willing to drink of his cup Eternity Repentance Are you longing for repentance
Travailing I will come again Abraham and Lot Who is touching the ark Weeping between the porch and the Altar Revival or else
Ray, Dr. Percy The Faithful Olive Tree The Lion has come out of his thicket Red Light to Hell
Reagan, Ronald - America, God shed his grace on thee The Star Wars speech The evil empire speech
Ree, Dr. Paul - You can't have it both ways
Reidhead, Dr. Paris
Except ye repent The life of Enoch Enoch, walked with God Enoch witnessed for God Enoch went to God
Testifying repentance and faith EVANGELISM - Defined Praying for the work of the Spirit in Evangelism I II
The necessity and nature of the New Birth What is a Christian? Believe on the Lord, Jesus Christ
Warning to professing Christians What is wrong with preaching today? National Religious Apostasy
My God , My God why hast thou forsaken me? The miracle of the rent vail If you agree
The Danger of the third Generation religion God's work must be done God's way Ten Shekels and a shirt
Rice, Dr. Bill Love em, Learn em, and Lick em The Holy Spirit in Soul winning Christ talked in sign language
Rice, Dr. Cathy - The right way in Marriage The right Sex in Marriage The right plan in Marriage Proper dress for a lady
Rice, Pastor Ed The passover lamb
Rice,Dr. John R.
The Furtherance of the Gospel When Skeletons come out of the closet When God's Patience wears out
Outside the camp Win your loved ones Therein I do rejoice over the preaching of the Gospel
Paul rejoiced that his enemies preached the gospel The Home The Christian and the Bible
The high cost of the power of God American Heritage Abraham and his seed
Roberson, Bobby Dr. Keep your eyes on Jesus Let Christ do the changing
Robertson, Dr. Jimmy Effectively hearing the Word of God Divine operation/Human Obedience Believing the Promises of God Personal Testimony
Roberson, Dr. Lee Live and exciting life His last recorded message on his 97th birthday Compassion
Bondoir or Battlefield The driving force Be a fervent Christian Magic words The best advice I ever had
Building Successful Christians
Roberson, Uncle Bud - Honey in the Rock
Rogers, Dr. Adrian The care and maintenance of Children Super Glue marriages God can use you
Rolen, Jim Evangelist - A Christian
Roloff, Dr.Lester Honey in the Rock Dr. Law and Dr. Grace Dr. Law and Dr. Grace I II Fasting the lost Doctrine
If I had my life to live over The mule walked on The Axhead Bondage Does God get mad
They StoodHills that help Why get discouraged The soldier that stands What are you going to do? Stirring up your nest Pawing in the valley Lester Roloff sings Singing from the Heart The lost fear of God
Rossi, Dr. Lou Restoring the Ancient landmarks
Ruckman, Dr. Peter The Sins of the saints Old soldiers never dieTotal destruction of the UN
Ryrie, Dr. Charles George Whitfield: The Man and his ministry The Holy God
Ryle, Dr. J.C. The True Church A Call to Prayer The Life and Times of George Whitfield I II
Scott, Dr. Gene A Psalm of Praise
Sears, Dr. Victor Heaven What is next on God's prophetic Time table
Sexton, Dr. Ralph Sr. The God of all knowledge
Sexton, Dr. Ralph Jr. The World's greatest Evangelist The Last TimeThe Last tear Holding on to Idols
The Last try The promise kept The Glorious Church Descending Morals and sinking values Spiritual Labotomy
Frustration can be fatal Survival in a sick Society Christmas in Crises I don't want to be right Time to Travail
The Keeper of the Spring A merry Heart Not for Sale The Rekindling Holy Fire Price you paid What a difference a day makes The church of Cain The way of Cain The words of Cain The Works of Cain The coming of the Lord
Making much of Jesus Who hath believed ur report
Sexton, Dr. Clarence - The Gift of Thorns The latter end of Job Testimony of our conscience
Necessity is laid upon me All the valiant men arose Pihaheroth Fellowship helpers to the truth Who cast Jonah into the Sea
Shelton, Dr. Bob Future Events I Future Events II
Shuler, Dr. Phil
Sorrowing for Repentance The Fruit of Repentance Paul's first Prayer Saul's Disobedience The eye of the Lord
The Second coming of Christ The Judgement seat of Christ Lost things The people hath forgotten me
The wise and foolish virgins Pay our debts The fundamental tradition The lonely Jesus
Shuler, Dr. Bob God's man
Sightler, Harold How sinners come to God Baptism in the Spirit The last request of King David
What the gospel did for me For the Joy set before him Why I glory in the Cross The Church The Doctrine of Salvation The Grace of God Can God? Baptist Distinctives The Blood of Christ Revival The Gospel
The Zeal of the Lord Romance of Redemption Motive
Simpson, Dr. Ronnie The Scarlett thread
Sisk, Dr. Donald Even so send I you God's unfailing promises Taking advantage of the great opportunity
Sparks, Dr. T. Austin The Lampstand of Testimony The ministry of the Church In the beginning the Word
Stormer, Dr. John Our Biblical heritage 7/26/06
Strickland, Dr. Sam Why Missions is a priority
Stringer, Dr. Phil Worship the Lord in Holiness
Strait, Pastor Herb I'm not crazy I'm Saved The unsearchable riches of God
Smith, Miss Bertha The great Shantung revival in China
Smith, Dr. J. Harold God's three Deadlines Missing Heaven
Smith, Dr. Jewell - The Bible of the Martyrs
Smith, Dr. Noel The Bible, Take it as it is No Substitute for character
Smith, Dr. Oswald J. The Morning watch I II How God taught me to giveThe Lordship of Christ
The Spirit filled life I II 50 years with the with the Peoples Church in Toronto Revival in Russia A message to new Christians The Assurance of Salvation The first and second coming of Christ
Stedman, Dr. Ray The Christians look at Vietnam
Stewart, Dr. Gary The hour has come
Strauss, Dr. Lehman Are the Heathen Lost? Studies in First John 1,2,3,4,5, Studies in Daniel 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Strange, Dr. Don The woman that has a problem Jesus, An Autopsy Keep the fire burning The God of the New Testament
Sumner, Dr. Bob The most popular verse in the Bible
Sukhio, Russ Recovering the lost doctrine of repentance What is true saving faith National Judgement
The writing on the wall The song of the Sheep I II The song of the King Thirsting for God
Sutera, Dr. Lou & Ralph & Bill McLeod - Revival in Saskatoon, Canada
Telford, Dr. Andrew Why do the God;y suffer
Thomas, Major Ian How much are you worth? The Power of the resurrection Rediscovery of Jesus Christ
A grain of Wheat
Thompson, Dr. Bobby Eagle Saints I II Change
Torrey, Dr. R.A. - How to pray
Tozer, A.W Dr.
Truett, Dr. George W. The power of Choice Christ answer to world need 1,2
Vallowe,Dr. Ed The great pyramids of Egypt The ashes of a heifer The nation Israel and the third world war
The borders of Israel according to the Bible The ark of the Testimony The days of noah and the latter days of man
Jerusalem- the burdensome stone to the world Israel- the center of the world's tension Life Sciences and the scriptures- grass, flowers, and trees Social Sciences and the scriptures - Bees, spiders Birds, and animals Earth Sciences and the Scriptures - The Mountains and the Sea Physical Sciences and the Scriptures - Creation of the Heavens Life Sciences and the scriptures - Creation of Man Signs of his coming The great Pyrimids of Egypt Home Duty of the deacons
Vines, Dr. Jerry Glimpses of Calvary Old preachers never die
Voegtlin, Dr. Roger Marred in the hands of the potter 1,2 God's command to Repent Repentance
John the Baptist A fire in my bones Weighted and wanting Our reasonable service His reproach shall not be wiped away
VanGorder, Dr. Paul The feast of the Lord - Passover Unleaven bread First fruits Pentecost Trumpets, atonement, tabernacles Parable of the sower The wheat and the tares The mustard seed Hidden treasures
Pearl of Great price The Age of the Spirit
Vaughn, Bill Scraping the bottom of the Barrel
Waite, Dr. D.A. Separation from unbelievers 13 new things in Christ Versions, What's the big deal?
8 Results of Godly sorrow You are an Epistle of Christ
Wade, M.V. - Somethings gone wrong in the field
Walvoord, Dr. John - The battle of Armageddon The Millennial Reign of Christ The times of the gentiles
Wallace, Dr. Tom - Son of Sam, Son of God, Son of Satan
Weigle, Charles - Let er rip
West, Marvin - God wants a waiter
Whyte, Alexander - Characters in Pilgrims Progress
Weirsbe, Dr. Warren - The Man who didn't want the job The man who kept looking up The man who kept o running'
The man who lived on promises The man who recognized greatness
Whetstone, Dr. Danny - Ephesians 4 Two dollar clay pots in earthly vessels Paul's 1st Missionary journey
Paul's 2nd Missionary journey Paul's 3rd Missionary Journey Paul's 4th Missionary Journey unhindered
Wilson, Dr. Walter - Music and Christianity How to understand prophecy The creation of God
The 8 miracles in John The miracles of the Gospel of John The value of Music The Lord is my shepherd
Willis, Dr. Tommy - Holding on
Wingard, Dr. Bill - Heavens roll call for the dead at sea
Woodbridge, Dr, Charles - Philippians
Wuest, Dr. Kenneth - The millennium Great Tribulation and the second advent The last 31/2 years of Daniel's 70th week Prophetic light in present darkness 1,2 The infallible word of God
Zimmerman, Dr. Chuck - Lord, I need you again today
For twelve years, Dr. Loren Dawson pastored Bethel Baptist Church in Pekin, Illinois, and for ten of those years he served as the president of the Illinois Baptist College and Institute. He and his wife Evelyn began sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ while traveling as evangelist. Loren Dawson traveled extensively as a missionary/preacher. This traveling includes several trips to British Columbia and 49 trips to Barbados. While working as an evangelist, Mr. Dawson also directs an maintains an extensive gospel tape ministry started by his father Rev. Cody Dawson. Dr.Dawson was a dear friends for many years. Mrs. Dawson asked me to take the gospel tape ministry to continue her husbands legacy! It is my privilege to serve as the director of the Gospel Tape Ministry !
For the furtherance of the Gospel,
Dr. Daniel D. Knickerbocker