In His Steps
(with pictures Illustrating)
by Charles M. Sheldon
Copyright 1897
Printed by David C. Cook Publishing Company
1899 $65.00 postage paid

Left to right
1. The Holy Bible - No date very old
2. Scott's Bible Vol1 - 1823 - The Third Boston and Ninth American Edition
3. The Scott Bible - Thomas Scott D.D. 1814 Leather bound
4. The Holy Bible with the Apocrypha - 1809 Leather bound
5. The Holy Bible - KJV-RSV Parallel - A.L Paxson -1885
6. The Holy Bible - History and Facsimile of the ancient manuscripts -1891
7. The Holy Bible - William W. Harding - 1874
8. Holy Bible (Family Bible) 1957 Perfect Condition
9. Bible Commentary (Illustrated) -Jamieson - Fassett - Brown - 1874
Pictures not included
10. The New Testament with John Wesley's Notes 1754 - 4th Edition 1818
11. The Psalmist with Supplement -Richard Fuller and J.B..Jeter -1848 - Hymns for the use in Baptist Churches
12. The Self-Interpreting Bible 4-Vol set - 1896 - 400 Photos by Robert Bain
13. Holy Bible - 1871 - American Bible Society
Old & Rare Books
The Works of Shakespeare - Hurst and Co. NY (No Date)
The Complete Works of Shakespeare - Alden Beardsley - 1857
The World’s Great Nations - Thomas Powell - Peoples Publishing Co - 1888
Golden Gems of Life - S. C. Ferguson - Central Publications - 1884
Cross and Crown - James McCabe - National Publication - 1873
The Speakers Complete Program - (Ploughman Prints) Charles Spurgeon - J.H. Moore Publishers - 1891
The Royal Path of life - (No cover page with author, publisher or date)
Admiral Dewey at Manila - Joseph Stickney - Imperial Publishers - 1899
The Authentic Life of William McKinley - Alexander McClure - W.E. Scull - 1901
History of Christianity illustrated - John S.C. Abbott -1883
Book of Martyrs - Rev. John Fox - 1832 - Leather Bound
Sunday Half Hours with The Great Preachers - M.Laird Simons -1871 - (Front cover loose)
Josephus Complete Works - William Whiston A.M. - 1901
History of the United States - Illustrated - Henry Watson / J. Harris Patton A.M. - 1880
Holy Days and Holidays- Edward M. Deems D.D. - 1902 Funk and Wagnall Co.
The Beautiful Story - J.W. Buel / Assisted by T. Dewitt Talmage - 1888 - (Spine gone)
Platform Echos (Leaves from my notebook of 40 years - John Gough - 1886
John Bunyan's Complete Works - John Bunyan - illustrated edition Vol 1. - 1866
The Bible Looking Glass (illustrated) - Wm Holmes and John Barber - 6 Parts in 2 vols -Volume A - 1874
Fleetwood's Life of Christ - carefully revised with additions by Joseph Blecher D.D. 18__
GEMS for the Fireside - Rev. O H. Tiffany D.D. ( Compilation of great authors and statements by unknown) - 1885
Tiffany's Diamonds of Poety and Prose - Rev. O.H. Tiffany D.D. 1883
Leaders of Men - Types and priceless of Success- lives and careers of Famous Americans - Henry W. Ruoff, MA, DCL - 1901
Child's Bible Reader for 52 Sundays- (Illustrated) Charlotte Yonge - 1954 - Embellished with 100 fine engravings
Trait's of Character - illustrated in Bible light - H.F. Kletzing A.M / E.L.Ketzing A.M. - 1898
Bible Symbols - Frank Beard - 1908 Leather bound
The Scarlet Speaker - verses & Prose for Young People - 1905
Pleasant Hours with American Authors with Portraits - and choice selections from their writings -1898
True Stories of Renowned Men and Women - Evelyn H. Walker -1898
Successful Living - Professor J. Clinton Ransom - 1891
Our Little Ones - Author unknown - (Appears to be a Newsletter collection) Very Old
America's ETHAN ALLEN - Stewart Holbrook - Houghton Mufflin Co Boston -1949
WOOD"S BIBLE ANIMALS - Scripture Natural History Illustrated - 1877 - Rev. J.G. Wood
Life of George Washington Illustrated - Washington Irving - Vol 1 & 3 of 5 Vol. Peter Fenelon Collier, Publisher/ New York
The History and Triumphs of the 19th Century - A wonderful story of Progress - Date Unknown
Bible Models - Rev. Richard Newton. D.D. - 1896 - 100 beautiful engravings
WITH the CHILDREN on Sundays - Sylvanus Stall D.D. 1911
Sunlight or Shadows - John Gough - 1882 - full page engravings - missing front cover
Social Abominations - Or the Follies of Modern Society by Russell Cromwell - founder of Temple University - Philly - 1982
The Light of the Nations (Illustrated) - C.F. Deems D.D.LL.D - 1884
Bible Talks in Simple Language - Horace C. Fry - 1896
The History of Christian Preaching - T. Harwood Pattison - 1903
Henry Ward Beecher
Sermons of Henry Ward Beecher - Plymouth Pulpit - 7th Series - T.J Ellenwood - 1873
Second Series - 1869
The Life of Jesus the Christ - Beecher - 1871 - J.B. Ford and Co. New York
Life of Henry Ward Beecher - Jos Howard Jr - 1887 Hubbard Bro. Publishing - Philly
The Beechers - Milton Rugoff - Harper and Row - 1817 Copyright 1981
2- Life of Beecher - Abbott illustrated - American Pub Co. 1887
BEECHER Novel - Dan McCall - E. P. Dutton, New York
Henry Ward Beecher - Thomas W. Handford - Donohue Hunneberry - 1887
The Life and Works of Henry Ward Beecher - Thomas W. Knox - S.S. Scranton Co. Hartford, CT
Henry Ward Beecher "As His Friends saw him" The Pilgrim Press 1904
Encyclopaedia of 2585 Illustrations by Henry Ward Beecher - Zondervan
T. Dewitt Talmage
The Masque torn off - T. DeWitt Talmage - 1883
2- From Manger to Throne - T. Dewitt Talmadge - Historical Publishing Co. - 1890 / Second Edition 1889
Social Dynamite - T. Dewitt Talmage (Small Book)
Social Dynamite or the Wicknedness of Modern Society - 1889 - Chicago Standard Publishing Co.
The Pathway of Life - The Christian Herald Bible House - New York - 1894
Trumpet Blasts - The American Book Concern - Cleveland, OH
3- Authentic Life of T. Dewitt Talmage - Memorial Volume - By John Rusk PhD - 1902
2 - Gems of Religious Thought by H.M.Wharton, D.D. - 1895 - R. H. Woodward Co. Baltimore, MD.
Beautiful Thoughts - T .Dewitt Talmage - No Date or cover page
The Life and Works of T. Dewitt Talmage - Charles Eugene Banks - The Bible House - Chicago, Ill.
2- The Life and Work of T. Dewitt Talmage "The Only Authorized Edition" Illustrated - 1902 - 1. Only partial index - chapters complete
Sermons by T.Dewitt Talmage 13 Volumes 2. Spine missing
25 Sermons on the Holy Land - Talmage - 1890
The Treasury of T. DeWitt Talmage by May Talmage - Baker Book - 1968
Old Wells dug out - Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage - 1877
The NightSide of New Work life - Talmage - 1857
Moody Bible Institute - A Pictorial History - Bernard R. DeRemer - 1960
2- The Life of D.L Moody - By William Moody - Fleming / Revel - 1900 -
1 - Sword of the Lord reprint
1 - Signed copy by son W.R. Moody 1931
2- Life and Labors of D. L. Moody - Memorial Volume - Rev .Henry Davenport Northrop - Globe Publishers- 1899
Echoes from the Pulpit and Platform - D.L.Moody - Rev. Charles Goss - A.D. Worthington Publishers - 1900
The Life and Work of Dwight L. Moody - J. Wilbur Chapman D.D. - 1900
2- A Biography MOODY - John C. Pollock - 1- 1963, 2- 84,95
Dwight L. Moody - His Life His Work, His Words - Edward Leigh Pell D.D. - 1900
Moody's Latest Sermons - Gospel Hour Edition - 1965
- Richard S. Rhodes 1896
Notes from my Bible - D.L.Moody - From Gen.-Rev - 1895
Bible Studies at Northfield - reprint by Ambassadors fro Christ - 1881
Pleasure and Profit in Bible Study - D.L.Moody - 1895 - Reprint by Lifeline
My Father, An intimate portrait of Dwight Moody - Paul D. Moody - 1938
The Years Beyond -The Story of Northfield, The Schools - Janet Marie - 1960
Best Thoughts and discourses - D.L. Moody -1877
Evening with Moody and Sankey - Alta Edition - M. Laird Simons - 1877
Bush Aglow - Richard Ellsworth Day -1936 Edition
Notes from my Bible and Thoughts from my Library - D. L.Moody - 2 in 1 vol -1979 Baker Book
The D.L.Moody Collection - James S. Bell Jr. - Highlight of Writings, Sermons, Anecdotes, Life Story -1997
Thou Fool and 11 other sermons - D.L.Moody - Gospel Hour -1980
Wonderious Love & other gospel addresses - D.L.Moody - Pickering & Inglis Ltd. London
Heaven - D.L.Moody 1887
The Short Life of D.L.Moody - A.P.Fitt -1900 -Reprint Lifeline
A Month with Moody His Work and Workers - H.M.Wharton - 1894
Set - Prevailing Prayer - D.L.Moody - 1885 To the Work - D.L>Moody - 1884
Moody at Home - T.J. Shanks - 1886
Bible Characters / Heaven - D.L.Moody 1888
Moody's Anecdotes - J.B. McClure -1878
D.L.Moody, Prince of Evangelists - William Ross -1930
D.L.Moody and his Work - W.H. Daniels - 1875
Address by D.L.Moody - Revised by Himself -1876
Weighed and Wanting / !0 Commandments by D.L.Moody - Old PathsTract Society - 1976
The Wit and Wisdom of D.L.Moody - Stanley& Patricia Gundry - 1974
3 Vol - D.L.Moody in NYC, D.L.M. brings the Gospel to Chicago, D.L.M in Philly - E.J.Goodspeed Reprint
Life and Work of D.L.Moody - A.W. Williams - 1900
Moody, His Words, Work, And Workers - W.H.Daniels - 1877
D.L. MOODY'S Little Paperbacks
Moodys latest sermons
3- Moody's Stories ( Incidents and Illustrations
The Second Coming of Christ
Weighed and Wanting or Tested by the 10 commandments
The way to God
Bible Characters
Thoughts for the quiet hour
Secret Power
Daniel the Prophet
Moody's Anecdotes
Moody's Anecdotes and illustrations related by him in his Revival Work
The overcoming Life
The shorter life of D.L.Moody
Prevailing prayer
Charles Finney
The Autobiography of Charles Finney - 1977
The Life and Ministry of Charles G. Finney - Lewis A. Drummond - 1985
2 - Finney lives on - V. Raymond Edman - 1951 - Second copy much older
Finney on Revival - E.E.Shelhamer - Bethany House Publishers - no date Paperback
So great Salvation -Finney - 1982 - Kregel Publications
God's love for a Sinning World - Finney - 1982 Kregel Publications
Charles Grandson Finney - 1792-1875 - Revivalist and Reformer - Keith J. Hardman - 1987
The Heart of Truth -Charles Finney 9 Bicentennial Edition - 1976 - Bethany House
Principles of Victory - By Charles Finney (Great themes from Romans) -Editied by Louis Gifford Parkhurst Jr. - 1981
Principles of Holiness - by Charles Finney - Louis Gifford Parkhurst Jr.
A New Zeal for living - Charles Finney (Experiencing Revival) 1984
Living for God - Charles Finney - 1982 - Whitaker House
Charles G. Finney - By Charles Finney - Heroes of the faith - 1990 - in a series of 10 Bios
Lectures to Professing Christians - Finney - 1879 - Oberlin College - E.J.Goodrich
Memoirs of Rev. Charles Finney - Written by himself - By the Trustees of Oberlin College -1876
Revival sermons series - True Saints - Charles Kinney - Fregel - 1967
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Spurgeon's Sermon Notes (missing vol.3) Volumes: Gen-Pro,Eccl-Mal Rom-Rev
Spurgeon's Sermon Notes Two volumes Gen-Mal & Matt-Rev.
Christ's Words from the Cross - C.H.S. Zondervan 1961-65
Spurgeon on the Holy Spirit by C.H.S 1979
Prince Of Preachers - Drummond - Kregel
Spurgeon at his Best -2200 quotes compiled by Tom Carter - Baker 1988
Spurgeon's Sermon Notes Gen.-Rev. by David Otis Fuller D.D. 1941
Charles H. Spurgeon Prince of Preachers by E.F. Adcock. 1925 Gospel Trumpet Co.
C.H.Spurgeon's sermons of the Book of John by Dr.Chas T. Cook 1966
Mrs. C.H.Spurgeon by Charles Ray. Reprinted by Larry Harrison
12 Soulwinning Sermons by C.H.Spurgeon. 1891
Spiritual Warfare in the Believers life - C.H.S - Compiled by Robert Hall 1996
Spurgeon on Leadership - Larry J. Michael -2003
12 Sermons on the Cries from the Cross - C.H.S - Baker -1982
12 Sermons on the Passion and Death of Christ - C.H.S. - Baker 1982
12 Sermons n the troubled and tried by C.H.S. Baker Paperback
The Golden Alphabet - Devotional Commentary on Psalm 119 -1887
Christ Glorious achievements by C.H.S. - 7 Sermons no date
Spurgeon's Autobiography - Otis J. Fuller- Zondervan - 1956
A Pictorial Biography of C.H.Spurge - by Iain H. Murray - Banner of Truth -1966
My Sermon Notes - C.H.S. - 1884
Evening by Evening - C.H.S. 1868
Advice for Seekers - Charles H. Spurgeon 2013 Attic Books
Charles H. Spurgeon The Essex Lad who became the Price of Preacher by James T. Allen pamphet
From the Ushers Desk to the Tabernacle Pulpit Spurgeon 1892
Spurgeon's Lectures to my Students 4 books in 1- 1881. Pilgrim Publ 1990
Biography of the World's Greatest Divine Charles H. Spurgeon by Russell Conwell -1892
Spurgeon Episodes and Anecdotes of his busy life by Thomas W. Handford -1893
Encounters with Spurgeon by Helmut Thielicke -1963
Life and Works of Spurgeon - Henry Davenport Northrop - 1892
Life of Charles H. Spurgeon by Russell Conwell - 1892
Highlights in Spurgeon's life Spurgeon - Whitaker House 1997 paperback
An All-Round Ministry by C.H.S.Addresses to ministers and students Pilgrim Press 1970-83
The Practice of Praise - C.H.S. 1995 paperback
Satan a defeated foe - C.H.S. - 1979- Paperback
Come ye Children - C.H.S. A book to parents and teachers on training children Paperback
Faith Checkbook C.H.S. Moody paperback
Billy Sunday
The Spectacular Career of Rev. Billy Sunday - Theodore Thomas Frankenberg - 1913
Billy Sunday "The Man and his message - Wm T. Ellis - 1914
Billy Sunday - From Baseball diamond to revival tent - Lee Thomas - 1975
The Best of Billy Sunday - J.R.Rice - 1965
Billy Sunday and the Redemption of Urban America - Lyle W. Dorsett - 1991
The Real Billy Sunday - Elijah P. Brown - 1914
Billy Sunday Speaks 1000 epigrams Zondervan. 1937
J.C. Penney
Fifty Years with the golden rule - A Spiritual Autobiography - J. C. Penney - 1931
The Combatant - Life of John J. Sidey - Gertrude A. Palmer - 1976
Once Caught , No Escape - Norman Grubb's life Story - Married C.T. Studd's daughter - no date
Before I forget - Memoirs by Wilbur M. Smith - 1971
The Boy's Story of Lindbergh "The lone Eagle" - Richard J. Beamish - 1928
Robert Moffat - Missionary Hero of Kuruman - David J. Deane - No date
Treasures from Fanny Crosby - Fanney Crosby - Barbour - No date
The Martyr's grace - Marvin J. Newell -21 Martyrs who attended Moody Bible Institute - 2006
Memoir & Remains of Robert Murray McCheyne - Andrew A. Bonar - Reprint 1976
Thirty Years in Hell or From Darkness to Light - By an Ex Priest Bernard Fresenborg - No date - Rare
Religious Life of Famous Americans - Louis Albert Banks - 1909
Fear God and take your own part - Theodore Roosevelt - 1915
Life and Work of Theodore Roosevelt - Memorial Edition - Thomas H. Russell - 1919
Standing on the Promises - W.A. Criswell - Autobiography - 1990
The Shadow of the Broad Brim - Crown Christian Pub - Richard Ellsworth Day - 1934 Reprint
Borden of Yale 09 - Mrs. Howard Taylor - 1926 - Reprint 1941
The J.Frank Norris I have known - Dr. Louis Entzminger - Foreword by R. Barber - no date
The J.Frank Norris I have known - Dr. Louis Entzminger - Foreword by Jerry Falwell
Apparent Danger - Life of J.Frank Norris - David Stokes - 2010 - Disappointing
The Life of Henry Drummond - George Adam Smith -1898 ( assisted D.L.Moody in his campaigns)
Professor Drummond's Address with Biographical Sketch - Rev .W.J. Dawson - 1891
SETS of Books
Herbert Lockyer's 7 Volume Set - All the Parable, Women, Prayers Teaching of Jesus, Miracles, Doctrines, Parables
1 Set. Thru the Bible with Dr. J.Vernon McGee - 4 Volume
A.T. Robertson - Word Studies in the New Testament - 6 Volume
The Biblical Expositor - 3 Volume by Baker
Matthew Henry in 1 Vol. Classic Reference Library
Extremely RARE Books
Downey's Proverbs 8th Edition - 1855
Anedotes of the Wesley's - Rev. J.B.Wakely - 1871
A Portraiture of Rev. George Whitefield. M.A. - Rev. J.B. Wakely -1871
Notes of the Holy Gospels - Joseph Longing - Volume - 1857
The Judgement Day - Sabin Hough - 1849
An Apology for the Bible (Series of letters to Tom Paine) by R.Watson D.D. -1856
Persuasives to Early Piety - J.G.Pike Leather bound not dated - American Tract Society
The Treatise of Religious Affections - Jonathan Edwards - not dated Leather bound
Psalms and Hymns - General Association of Connecticut -1857
A Memoir of Rev. Henry Martyn B.D. - by Reverend John Sergeant not dated, Leather bound
Sermons by Harriett Newell - 1812 - very old -Leather bound
A Map of Heaven - by A Pilgrim - 1846 printed by Wm Crockett - Dover N.H
Life of Brainerd - President Jonathan Edwards - 1719 - Leather binding -
Union Bible Dictionary - no date - back cover missing
Edwards on the Affections - American Tract Society not dated
Holy Bible - very old -front cover missing
Letters to Parson W. Stone contains A Vindication of the Doctrine e of Trinity, divinity and the atonement against his recent attacks - Thomas Cleland - 1822
The Young Gentlemen and Ladies Monitor - -J.Hamilton Moore -1824
A Practical View of Prevailing Religious System of Professing Christians - William Wilberforce - second Edition 1799
Poems by Thomas Hood - 1846
Memoir of the Rev. Christmas Evans in the Principality of Wales - J. Davis - 1840
The Secret of a Happy life - J. Wilbur Chapman - 1899
The Young man from home - Rev. John Angela James
Bible Lovers Pocket Companion - Richard Ross - 1968
Middle Life - our state between & the Resurrection - J.R. Graves - 1873
Everyday Religion -Joseph Fort Newton -
Fuel for Missionary Fires - Belle M. Brain - 1894
The Art of Soul-Winning - J. W. Mahood - 1901
The Wee folks Life of Christ - Altemus - 1920
Encourager - H. A. Watkins - 1946
Dickens Christmas Carol - 1905
Family Hymns - American Tract Society - 1838
2 - Helpful hints in speaking - Grenville Kleiser - 1911
Scripture History for The Young - Vol 2 - Rev. John Howard - No date - Very old
Young Mans Guide - 1834 - Author unknown
2- The Historical Reader - Rev. J.L.Blake - 1825
Baptist Succession = D. B. Ray - 1890
The Pilgrims Progress - John Bunyan - Sears Co. not dated
One Thousand Gems - Talmage -
Sermons in a nutshell - J. Ellis -
Line upon line - American Tract Society - not dated
Sabbath School Teachers Second Book - Harmony of the 4 gospels - 1832
2- The Imitation of following Jesus Christ - Thomas of Kempis - 1793 -Leather
Issac Watt's Improvement of the Mind - Edited by Joseph Emerson - 1833
Hymns - Leather bound - 1849 Methodist
3- Holy Bible - Oxford - 1800 * American Bible Society - no date /very old/ * 1897
Solemn of the Dead -Joseph Alleine - A Call to the unconverted - Richard Baxter - 1813 leather
Words to the winner of souls - Horatius Bonar DD -1866
The Touchtone of Sincerity or the trial of true and false religions - Rev John Flavel - no date
The Young Christian Directed - Caleb Kimball - 1846
Walter Lightfoot's Pictures - 1864- Mrs. H.E. Brown
The Shepherds Psalm - F. B.Meyer - 1889
Silken Treads - Wilhelmina Stitch - 1928 5th Edition
The Prince of the House of David or 3 yrs in the Holy City - Rev. J.H. Ingraham - no date
The Shepherds life in Galilee - Stephen Haboush - 1927
Graham's Handbook of Scripture Promises - 1878
Facts I ought to know about the govt. of my country - Bartlett - 1894
Tales from the Parsonage - A. Stevens - 1855
Full Salvation - B.S. Taylor - no date
Evangelical Family Library - Life of Martyr vol 8 - - America Tract Society - very old
Daily Help - Charles Spurgeon -
Four Thousand Questions and Answers - 1898
The Way to Christ and the walk with Christ - Geo. Anderson -1851
The Child's Scripture Question Book - 1853
1000 Questnios and Answers on points of Bible Doctrine - Daniel Kauffman - Mennonite Publ House
Phillips Brooks Addresses - Bishop of Massachusetts - not dated
The Life of Richard Baxter - By the American Tract Society - not dated
Henry Drummond's addresses - 1891
Progressive Exercises in Analysis & Parsing & Prose & Poetry - Rev. P. Bullion D.D. 1867
Quiet thoughts for quiet hours - 1855
God's minute - 365 Daily prayers Sixty seconds long for home worship - BY 365 Eminent Clergy - 1923
Tired Church members - Anna Warner - 1889
Kept for the Masters use - Frances Havergal - 1879
Thoughts on the Spiritual life - H. C. G. Moule - 1891
Broken things - M.R. DEHaan M.D. - 1939
Epochs of Modern history - The Era of the Protestant Revolution - F. Seebohm -1899
The Spiritual Riches of John Bunyan - 1952 - Oberlin College
Devotions and prayers of Martin Luther - Selected and Translated by Dr. Andrew Kosten - 1956
A short Exposition of Dr. Martin Luther's Small Catechism - 1912
The Early and later Delaware Baptists - 1880 - reprinted 2010
The Tabernacle and it's services - George Rodgers - not dated
The StarBook for Ministers - Edward T. Hiscox - 1968 Reprinted 1979
Roberts rules of Order Revised 75th Anniversary 1951
A Pocket book of Power for Church Members - 1951
Divine Breathings or A Pious Souls thirsting after Christ - 1805
Treasures of Gold - Mrs. Oliver B. Greene - 1968
Daily Food for Christians - Grosset And Dunlap not dated
Daily Light on the Daily Path - 365 Devotions (all Scripture) - Harper Brothers
The Elements of Knowledge contained in Catechisms -William Mavor - 1820 Botany, health, Bible, Mothers, animated nature, Geography.
Effie Maurice or What is my God? - Emily Judson - The First Commandment Illustrated - 1850
The Dying thoughts of Richard Baxter - Benjamin Fawsett - not dated very old
The Continual Burnt Offering Devotional - H.A. Ironside - 1981 -second edition
The Helping hand for winning souls - Wm. Wistar Hamilton - 1948
The Hymnal - The General Convetion of the protestant Episcopal Church - 1889
Words for the Little Ones - Simple lessons on Gospel Truths - no date -
Great Truth in simple words for little children - American Sunday School union - 1848
Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God in the conversion of many hundred souls in Northhampton - President Jonathan Edward - 1831
Precious Hymns for Time of refusing and revival - Thomas Harrison - not dated
The Jerusalem Sinner Saved - John Bunyan - 1848 - and other sermons
The Pastors Reasonings with the young of his flock on the claims of the gospel - Rev Joel Parker -1847
The Origin and progress of Language - 1848 - American Sunday School Union
Ben Holts Good Name - American Tract Society - 1876
The golden rule and its fruits - Mrs. M.F. Goodwin - American Tract Society
The Healthy Christian - Howard Crosby - 1871 - American Tract Society
Views of the evidence of Christianity - ArchDeacon Paley - Missing front cover
Quiet Hints to growing preachersCharles Edward Jefferson - Pastor Of Brooklyn Tabernacle NYC - 1901
The Making of a sermon -T .Harwood Pattison - 1941
The Teaching Pastor - William C. Bitting - 1923 - Crozer Theological Seminary
Preaching with Confidence - James Daane - 1980 - A Theo Essay on the power of the pulpit
Answers to Pastors - Howard F. Sugden & Warren Wiersbe - 2005
They who Preach - J.M. Ellison - 1956 - Broadman Press
The Homiletical Innovations of Andrew W. Blackwood - Studies on Preaching - Jay Adams -1975
The Preacher and His Audience - Webb B. Garrison - 1954 - Fleming H .Revell Publishing
Before the Audience - Nathan Sheppard - 1892 - The use of the will in public speaking
Let me illustrate - Jerome O. Williams - 1927 approx - Broadman Press
Persuasive Preaching Today - Ralph L. Lewis - 1977 - Asbury Theo. Seminary
Biblical Preaching - Haddon W. Robinson - Baker book - 1980
The Public Speakers Treasure Chest - Herbert V. Prochnow Sr. & JR. - 1942 - Harper and Row
On the Preparation and delivery - John A. Broadus - 1870 - Weatherspoon Revised
Expository Preaching without notes - 2 vols in 1 - 1962 - Baker Book. - Leadership Ministries
Platform and Pulpit Aids - The Clerical Library - 1899 - Multiple preachers
The Preacher and His Work - Jack Meyer Sr. - 1960 - Lambert Book. House
Preacher and Prayer - E.M. Bounds - 1907. - Ind Bapt Prayer Fellowship
Preaching The Art of Communication - Leslie J. Tizard - 1958
Preaching in London - Joseph Fort Newton - 1922- A Diary of Anglo - America Friendship
Heralds of God - A Practical Book on Preaching - - James S. Stewart - 1946
The Charles L. Allen Treasury - 1951 - Fleming Revell Co.
The Pastor's Sketches - Ichabod Spencer - Bunyan of Brooklyn -2001 - Solid Ground Christian Books
ThePastor-Preacher - William A. Quayle - reprint- 1910 Lifeline
The Art of Illustrating Sermons - Ian MacPherson - Abingdon Press - 1964
Illustrations for Preachers Vol 1 - Pastor M.M. Henson - 1984
5 Thousand Quotations for all Occasions - Lewis C. Henry - 1954 - Doubleday
Braude's Handbook on Humor for all Occasions - 1958 - Prentice Hall Inc.
The Speakers source book - Eleanor Dorn - 4th Printing 1962- Zondervan
A Treasury of Nots, Quotes and Anecdotes for sermon building - A Naismith - 1975
50 Years of Soul-Stirring Illustrations - John R. Rice - The Sword - 1978
The Preacher and his preaching - W.B. Riley - 1948 - The Sword -
Encyclopedia - of 7700 Illustrations by Signs of the times - Paul Lee Tan - 1979
The Effective Speaking - Dale Carnegie - 1962 - For business men - DC Assoc.
Public Speaking - Dale Carnegie - 1929 - Vol 2 - DC Assoc.
The Minister and the care of Souls - Daniel Day Williams - 1961 - Harper & Bros
Resources for sermons - David A. MacLennan - 1957 - Westminister Press