The Life and Ministry of the Evangelist $10.00 plus postage
Revival in our lifetime is 10 sermons and 43 interesting stories in our lives! $10.00
The Great Experiment A book every parent should read!
The Story of a Pastor and his wife who started 5 Churches and Christian schools and raised 5 Boys to serve the Lord! 15.00 postage included - Pay Pal Tom Knickerbocker, Author Second Edition 15.00 PostagePaid
"THE ART OF TAKING AN ESTABLISHED CHURCH" Authors: Dan & Tom Knickerbocker Details: click on Publications / then click books 15.00 postage paid!
STATE OF THE UNION Why do we need a Holy Spirit Revival in our Churches today?
I have been very burdened about the need for a great awakening! As I read the Revivals of the past, I am convinced that we could see Revival again. A hunger for God and His Word to rule our lives and give us the abundant life Jesus talks about John 10:10. I feel like the Thief is stealing and taking ground he has no business taking.
Don't take offense to what I have written just pray for pastor, evangelist, missionaries and our dear folks in the pews of our churches.
Colossians. 2:8,15,18,22. 3:1-2
We are losing ground, churches closing, churches that can’t get a pastor, Young preachers that want all the benefit but don’t want to live by faith. (Excuses: Well, the Lord has told me to take care of my family! - I thought the Lord does that. I guess if the ministry was easy we would be flooded with preachers. What about all the so-called preachers just sitting in a church and not fulfilling their calling.
Philosophy of Men vs Biblical Christianity (What man thinks). (What God thinks) 1. The Lost are influencing Christianity Atheism - The fool hath said in his heart there is no God. Ps 14:1 Agnostics - There may be a God but he has taken his hand off things. Humanist - We determine our own destiny. Scotland Lady Critics of Christianity - They hate what the Christian stand for…. Abortion, Alcoholic beverages, Climate change, Dancing, Movies, Gambling,etc.
2. Professing Christians are influencing Christianity
False Doctrine - Cults, Churches that have a works salvation Modernism - The Bible contains the word of God, but not all of it. PEN KNIFE Compromise - We don’t need to stand against sins Salvation - Lifestyle and or Confrontational Evangelism Saying you believe it but don’t practice it Tithing/offerings - Awe, that’s Old Testament No outreach people are not sharing their faith (Testimony) No Visitation to those in need.
3. Churches are very fragile and even weak -
ICHABOD - The glory is departed. I Sam 4:21 Opinions, Wanting it your way Feuds No leadership - Pastor wont’t take a stand or if he does he will be replaced. Because Churches Split or Were started in rebellion.
4. Lack of Pastors and Churches
Some cities with 100k people and no gospel witness. Some churches have gone bad or closed where there was a witness.
5. No discipleship - Matthew 28:20 NO Training Center: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. No teaching the principles of God’s Word so people know what they believe.
6. Reasons why Churches are not growing Signs of the times - Excuses Lazy Christianity- To busy Cutting services, NO Revivals, NO Missions emphasis, NO Missionaries NO Outreach NO Prayer meetings Men & Women Prayer meetings NO Fasting
7. Church with a lack of Commitment What happen to the Lord’s day?
Sunday AM is enough Will not join Won’t witness or doesn’t know how Afraid to offend Giving in to mediocrity -Awe, someone else will do it, I’ve never been called, NO Tithing - some are so far in debt they don’t think they can. Mal 3:10 - NO Missions giving Pastors has to be Bi-Vocational because folks won’t give.
8. Missionaries not teaching their churches to be Indigenous.
Some are just pastors not missionaries - these are not third world countries Lost their vision - killing time between Sundays Blaming the culture Will not help and assist other missionaries Often critical of each other - especially if they are being out done. Missionaries using other missionaries to build their work and not wanting to send them out to start other churches.
We need a GREAT AWAKENING in our PULPITS and our PEWS! The Mandate of our Lord Occupy till I come. Redemn the times... Go ye into all the world preach the gospel to every creature. Keep looking up Dr. Dan Knickerbocker Evangelist
Dear Beloved Friends and Supporters,
Wow, how time flies! We started the new year in Texas!
Open Door BC in Grand Prairie,Texas gave us the joy to preaching and fellowship with them!Northside Baptist in Nolanville, Texas hosted us for their Vision Revival.God moved in their hearts! I had the joy to preach to the Christians School kids and then had lunch with the teens, who believe God has called them into His service. The Boys asked me questions as well as Girls asking Anne Marie. What a thrill! Heritage BC in Haslet for a Stewardship conference and encouraged them to step out by faith in giving to see a new building take place. Anne and I flew to Knoxville, Temple Baptist Church for their Revival and Men's Banquet, spoke to 2K men. Preached at Temple Baptist and was able to preach in 2 Men's dorms. What a great Spirit! Three young men said to me “You preached in our church in Buford, GA. Nine years ago and we are suppose to call you on the 10th yr and let you know we are serving the Lord. They were 9 or 10 years old when I preached in their Academy Chapel. Isn't that wonderful? All called to serve the Lord. We drove to Bethel Baptist Church - Brownfield, Texas and preached a Revival, and three accepted Christ as their Saviour. Sweet folks!
March will be three Churches in the Midwest and two in Texas. Pray for traveling mercies and God’s power to be seen and felt!
THERE ARE 4 WORDS THAT TELL IT ALL 1. Apathy - I don’t care 2. Apostasy -Not caring what God’s Word says 3. Anarchy - Seeing their Country, Church,Family fall apart because of Sinful living 4. Awakening - Revival among God’s people. Living a Spirit-filled life
Thanks for your prayers & support, that has been an encouragement
With all our love and prayers,
Dan & Anne Marie Knickerbocker
It is not that we don’t know what to dowe are just not doing it. David Edwin Knickerbocker, My Dad _______________________________________________________________________
Dec 2024
Dear Friends in Ministry,
THANK - CHRIST Thanksgiving and Christmas is a wonderful time of year! And yet it comes with sorrow for many of the Pilgrims lost their lives the first winter and Christ was nailed to a Cross and died for us! Three things that Jesus experienced are what Christians need to experience! The Gethsemane Experience -Jesus said to his father, Nevertheless not my will but thine be done. The Crucifixion Experience - I am Crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me! For to me to live is Christ and to. die is gain. Paul said, "I die daily." The Resurrection Experience - Death is swallows up in victory! Thanks be to God that giveth us the Victory!
We are rejoicing in the 8 inmates that trusted Christ at the jail in Henderson, Texas We have had the joy of spending some time with our son Joshua and Heather and the grandkids. Josh has one year left of clinicals and he will graduate with a CRNA.
We have finally arrived HOME we had a super year with 58 churches in 52 weeks!
I want to thank the Pastors for the privilege of preaching in their churches in 2024 Pastors: Housley, Garber, Harris, May, Pledger, White, Crawford, Waller, Wallingbeck, Hampton, Hemphill, Rigdon, Campbell, Stroup, Herr, Lubin, Bell, Brunson, Jones, Ryggs, Cline, Burdick, Devine, Moore, Darnell, Brinson, Kirkpatrick, Mayberry, Garber, Howington, Eaton, Anderson, Truthville, Meinrenken, Mansfield, Twardy, Bicino, Knipp, Nolan,Workman, Turner, Stiff/Poat, Ledford, Hartwell, Teate, Pack, Shelton, Ramirez, Powell, Solarek, Indiana B College, M. Wilkerson, Brooks, Ellis, Martinez, Jail, M.Wilkerson, Waller
So thankful for those who helped us with support and special offerings this year and Christmas gifts!
...and most of all God's unspeakable gift of sending Christ to give the supreme sacrifice of his own life! Even so come Lord Jesus, Dan & Anne Marie Knickerbocker
6816 Winifred Dr. Fort Worth, Texas 76133
Revival Ministries
Oct- Nov 2024
We have seen the Lord working in churches! TX - A ten year old church was able to build a new land and new building for $1.9 million debt free! What a great spirit ! WA - A Senior Pastor trained one of his men to take his place after 39 years, what a great spirit, smooth transition with God’s blessing. WA - A pastor who has been faithful for years an is experiencing new visitors and even a few salvations and baptisms. The church bought them a parsonage and the church has been remodeled. They started Faith Bible Institute! CA - A church that had been though some real struggles is now growing with new families, increased missions giving and a real outreach that has brought in new families. What great results at the altar! CA - Pray for a dear pastor that is going through some medical setbacks. What a great spirit, wonderful choir and special music. Many at the altar and many more! We sense your prayers We had been having some issues with our van. Please keep us in Prayer that God will work in the hearts of the people we minister to! I have been preaching on the Work of the Holy Spirit and getting spiritual victories in the lives of believers
There are only three types of people in this World 1 Cor 2:14-3:7 The Natural Man - Lost in need of the Saviour The Spiritual Man - Saved and excited about it The Carnal Man - Saved but sinning with no victory
Thank you for your prayers and support, Dan & Anne Marie Knickerbocker
Revival in our lifetime!
The Specific Daily Prayer Plan Revival in our Lifetime The Life and Ministry of the Evangelist Missions Conference Songbook The Great Experiment The Art of taking an established Church Tract: 4 R's of Salvation Father's Day Book - Which Generation? Mother's Day Book - Mom's Rules for rearing a godly family!
Go to Publications 4 R's of Service Repent of sins committed as a Christian 2 Cor. 7:10 Resolve to make plans for victory in 2022 Dan 1:8 Remember the greatest joys and rewards are for the faithful I Thess 5:24 Rejoice- don't lose your joy Phil 4:4
Generous Womanv8 Perceptive Woman v9 Spiritual Women v9 Unselfish Women v10 Content Women v13 Devoted Mother v20 Full of faith Mother v23 Consecrated Mother v24 Submissive Wife v26 Persistent Mother v30 Thankful Mother v31
__________________________________________ OUR SCHEDULE 2024-2025 CLICK on ABOUT for FUTURE MEETINGS _________________________________________________
CAN WE SEE REVIVAL IN OUR LIFETIME? Ps 85:6,12. Is it possible? - With God all things are possible Mark 10:27 An Evangelist son, who is a preacher, told me, “America will never see a national revival”. IS HE GOD? I get a little tired of the conclusions men come up with. God’s Word is the only Authority!
Our churches are In Apathy Many are practicing Apostasy Our Nation is in Anarchy, Our God is wanting an Awakening!
Americas is in need of a Great Awakening. THOU HAST….. - in the Past v1-4 Been favourable v1 Forgiven the iniquity v2 Taken away all thy wrath v3 Turned thyself from the fierceness of thine anger v3 Turned us, O God, v4 80:3 Turn us again, O God
WILT THOU…. v5-6 in the Present v5-6 Be angry with us forever? v5 Draw out thy anger to all generations v5 Not revive us again that thy people may rejoice in thee v6
YEA, THE LORD SHALL…..v 7-13 in the Future v12 Show us his mercy v7 Grant us thy salvation v7 Speak peace unto his people v8 but let not them turn back to folly v8 That glory may dwell in our land v9 Mercy and truth / righteousness and peace v10 Give that which is good and our land shall yield her increase v12 Set us in the way of his steps v13 G.Campbell Morgan - REVIVAL cannot be organized, but we can set our sails to catch the wind from heaven when God chooses to blow on his people once again! Vance Havner - REVIVAL is the church falling involve with Jesus all over again Andrew Murray - REVIVAL is casting our the spirit of Worldliness, making God’s love triumphant in the heart. James McQuilkin - If God has visited his people before , He can and will do it again! Quotes from The Baptist Vision Mar/Apr 2009
You know you need revival when...... your deliberately rebellious toward God and others your just decently right with God.
Revival is when your filled with the Power of God! be filled with the Spirit ! P